Change In Audit Committee

BackSep 22, 2011
Date of change 22/09/2011
Type of change Appointment
Designation Member of Audit Committee
Directorate Non Independent & Non Executive
Name Edward McShane
Age 39
Nationality British
Qualifications Chartered Accountant
Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Business Law (University of Strathclyde, Scotland)
Working experience and occupation Edward McShane was appointed to the Board on 25 July 2011.

Edward has held a number of senior finance roles in Diageo, where he has worked for 18 years. He was the Finance and Commercial Director for the Spirit Supply business in Diageo Scotland and then served as Head of Commercial Finance and Decision Support of Diageo Ireland. He was the Finance Director for Diageo Korea from 2005 to 2009.

Edward is currently the Finance Director for Diageo South East Asia.
Directorship of public companies (if any) Nil
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Nil
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer Nil
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Nil
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change) Chairman:
Mr Martin Giles Manen - Independent Director

Tan Sri Saw Huat Lye - Senior Independent Director
Dr Lesley Buckley - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr Sreesanthan Eliathamby - Independent Director
Dato' Syed Salleh bin Syed Othman - Independent Director
Mr Edward McShane - Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Remarks :
Edward McShane is appointed as a member of the Audit Committee to replace Ms Siobhan Hamilton who resigned as a member of the Audit Committee with effect from 22 September 2011.

This announcement is dated 22 September 2011.


Announcement Info

Stock Name GAB    
Date Announced 22 Sept 2011  
Category Change in Audit Committee
Reference No GA-110920-51899