Changes In Remuneration Committee

BackAug 04, 2010
Type Announcement
Subject Guinness Anchor Berhad ("GAB")
- Changes in Remuneration Committee
Contents The Board of Directors of GAB is pleased to announce that Mr Sreesanthan Eliathamby has been appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee effective 4 August 2010 to replace Mr Charles Ireland who resigned as a member of the said Committee on the same day.

The composition of the Remuneration Committee after the change is as follows:-

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Tan Sri Saw Huat Lye (Chairman)
Dato' Jaffar Indot
Sreesanthan Eliathamby

Non-Independent Non-Executive Directors
Dr Leslie Buckley
Siobhan Mary Hamilton

This announcement is dated 4 August 2010.


Announcement Info

Stock Name GAB    
Date Announced 4 Aug 2010  
Category General Announcement
Reference No GA-100803-0BF75