Change In Audit Committee

BackNov 10, 2014
Date of change 01/11/2014
Name Kenneth Choo Tay Sian
Age 47
Nationality Singaporean
Type of change Appointment
Designation Member of Audit Committee
Directorate Non Independent & Non Executive
Qualifications Bachelor of Accountancy Degree (Hons)(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Advanced Management Program (Harvard Business School) 
Working experience and occupation Kenneth Choo is the Regional Director for Singapore, Indochina and Exports Cluster at Heineken Asia Pacific
Pte Ltd.

Kenneth joined Heineken in 2003 as Business Development Manager and has held senior positions in Finance and Business Development with Heineken Asia Pacific based in Singapore. Since 2013, Kenneth has been Senior Director Regional Finance at Heineken Asia Pacific, responsible for leading the Finance function across Asia Pacific overseeing
planning and control, strategy development, accounting and reporting, tax and treasury as well as people and competency development. He played a key leadership role during Heineken’s acquisition of Asia Pacific Breweries Limited (“APB”) and following that, the successful integration of APB.

Prior to this, Kenneth was Director of Regional Finance & Business Development at Heineken Asia Pacific where he had similar responsibilities and also led the business development function for close to 10 years. He successfully led several M&A deals and was a board member of both listed and privately held companies in the APB Group. Before joining Heineken, Kenneth was the Regional Business Development Director of global retailer, Royal Ahold NV. 
Directorship of public companies (if any) Nil 
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer Nil 
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer Nil 
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries Nil 
Composition of Audit Committee (Name and Directorate of members after change) Mr Martin Manen - Chairman, Senior Independent
Dato’ Saw Choo Boon - Independent
Dato’ Syed Salleh bin Syed Othman - Independent
Mr Alvaro Andres Cardenas Munoz - Non-Independent Non-Executive
Datin Linda Ngiam Pick Ngoh - Independent
Mr Kenneth Choo Tay Sian - Non-Independent Non-Executive

Remarks :
Mr Kenneth Choo Tay Sian was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee to replace Mr Michiel Egeler who resigned as a member of the Audit Committee effective 1 November 2014.

This announcement is dated 10 November 2014.


Announcement Info

Stock Name GAB    
Date Announced 10 Nov 2014  
Category Change in Audit Committee
Reference No GA-141106-64623