General Meetings: Outcome Of Meeting

BackMay 24, 2019
Type of Meeting Annual General Meeting
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 24 May 2019
Time 09:30 AM

Grand Ballroom, Connexion @ Nexus, No. 7, Jalan Kerinchi, Bangsar South City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Outcome of Meeting

The Board of Directors of Heineken Malaysia Berhad ("the Company") wishes to announce that all the resolutions set out in the Notice of 55th Annual General Meeting ("AGM") dated 25 April 2019 which were tabled at the 55th AGM of the Company held today, 24 May 2019 were duly passed at the said AGM.


All the resolutions were voted by poll and the results of the poll were validated by Coopers Professional Scrutineers Sdn Bhd, the Independent Scrutineers appointed by the Company. Please refer to the attachment for the poll results. 


This announcement is dated 24 May 2019.


Voting Results

Resolution Vote in favour Vote Against Results
No. of Shares % No. of Shares %

Ordinary Resolution 1 Payment of Final Dividend

194,142,053 99.999000 2,003 0.001000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 2 Re-election of Mr Martin Giles Manen

189,365,936 97.539000 4,778,120 2.461000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 3 Re-election of Mr Choo Tay Sian, Kenneth

167,274,156 86.160000 26,869,900 13.840000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 4 Re-election of Mr Roland Bala

193,642,547 99.742000 501,109 0.258000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 5 Re-election of Ms Yu Yu-Ping

167,273,156 86.159000 26,870,500 13.841000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 6 Payment of Directors' fees and benefits

191,900,527 98.848000 2,236,429 1.152000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 7 Re-appointment of Deloitte PLT as Auditors of the Company

194,107,425 99.981000 36,031 0.019000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 8 Re-appointment of Mr Martin Giles Manen as Independent Non-Executive Director

189,806,738 97.766000 4,336,918 2.234000 Carried

Ordinary Resolution 9 Proposed Shareholders' Mandate on Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a revenue or trading nature

40,071,345 99.994000 2,411 0.006000 Carried

Please refer attachment below.


Announcement Info

Stock Name HEIM
Date Announced 24 May 2019
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-18052019-00001


  1. Poll_Results.pdf (Size: 63,051 bytes)